Kele Wa Yi (english Version) |
KELE WA YI1Tears on Ntem
Tears in the night. The rustle of the air like one blows in a horn without success. Moaning remote almost without its, but present. The almost heroic moon seemed to slip, seen ground, in the sky a little too close to the summit of the trees. The latter, in spite of their gigantic sizes seemed to stir up like abusing by a wind which, feet on the ground, could have been defined like light. A bird of indigo color and very tried of yellow scraped the lower part of the nozzle in a very nervous way. But its eyes, too large and in obliques, were of an infinite sadness. One as of the its small ones, to its image, came to be posed close to him, one of its legs crushing his. Voices of birds rose, like murmurs, beginnings of abruptly stopped songs and which did not stop following one another uninterrupted. This sound was added hammerings in the ground, of the blows, with blows in the ground, the breath, the breathlessness, noisy and like desperate. The birds flew away and formed quickly in the sky a quasi unperceivable cloud of dust brown. Steps with sharp pace approached and moved away in the direction opposed towards downward inclined paths and furnished with water puddle pools all the ten steps. A man. In the night become quite haughty because of the suddenly extinct moon, a man ran, knees raised well of touts his forces through the forest dances. Its brown hair semi-length flew above its cranium without settling completely on its shoulders. They were wet. The blue eyes of the man were red and very wet. He looked behind him and butted in funny of liana very twisted. Very quickly it was raised but fallen at once. It tried to be raised also quickly in spite of its pain. At the same time, an extremely hairy hand clutched it by the hair. The man was turned over to the three quarter and saw that it had opposite him an immense gorilla. Its hairs were so black that in the night they appeared of a dark blue. The man, blown, howled until coming very close to syncope. The mouth of the gorilla also opened very large and the cry which left there made suffocate the man who them legs crossed, did not fall because not retained by the gorilla. Its blue eyes nevertheless, as hypnotized, did not leave the face of the gorilla which, gradually, started to lose its hairs. An increasingly human face, with the black skin like outgoing Mercedes of factory, appeared in front of the man who did not remain about it less not terrified. A young man made place with the creature completely.
The man hiccuped, deeply inspired several times of continuation without managing to leave an articulated sound. Then in front of the air of the African who appeared amused, it released: - I am not your darling, Evou! The man lowered the eyes on the body of Evou.
It slackened it nevertheless and, in the night become dumb because of their presence, they are reflected to follow paths being unaware of the linear form. The complexion of Carlson in the equatorial night seemed per moment, according to cleared up, the a little yellowish one. Its shirt with stripe was very soaked of sweat. Evou, always naked, went behind Carlson of a slower step. From time to time, it threw glances towards the sky. The clouds had become very dark.
Carlson made not head.
Carlson is turned over, obviously tormented.
A gust of wind sweeps the face to them. A light noise of bird is made hear then silence returns.
They took refuge behind two trees which seemed to intersect.
Carlson shook the head. The two men were squatted. Fifteen minutes of waiting later, noise of step were made hear. Two men and a young woman arrived, the woman a little more in withdrawal. Evou which did not leave Carlson of the eyes saw last wrinkling the eyebrows while thinking of recognizing the girl. Head it beckoned to him not to appear. The youngest man seemed full with regard for oldest. Its gestures were hastened and awkward.
Oldest which seemed indeed very advanced in age the head shook and considered the woman with a very great interest.
The old man does not say word. The young woman, approached. Under the shades of the forest one guessed that it was naked already. The father of the young man made it be squatted and lean forwards, and had it without another manner in a very robust way for a man of this age. The silence weighing of the night hardly seemed to disturb by the gasps discrete of the young woman. Evou started suddenly and looked behind its shoulders being unaware of the macabre spectacle which, since the night of times, raised many palaver in the villages. It had perceived a gust deafer than the others and, this time, it seemed as anxious as Carlson.
Much more prudently than previously, they moved away a few meters. When it thought of being enough far from the fornicators, Carlson stopped Evou. - Why does one have to be afraid from these three there?
A flash spouts out sky suddenly and tore the surrounding landscape. It had as an odor of suffers, a quite thick grey smoke wrapped the vegetation. The two men, under their feet, did not feel any more the ground nor their legs. Something of others tore, from the dead shrubs deviated, opening the ground revealing another underground vegetation. Other shrubs, more alive, leaned only on the side. It is at this moment that a song of gosier rose and a kind of obscure day appeared. The sun, at the horizon was almost white, one would have confused it with the moon. Near, much more close, of the men strong with simply of a mask-sex advanced in Indian file. It would have been said that it went all against the sun so much their shades were reflected in this last. An immense river appeared under their eyes. This water moved, stirred up as if it were shaken. Choked laughter seemed inhabited the surface of this river. Nearer, well too close a metal noise penetrated their ears violently. It was a noise which Carlson recognized because that had made it flee hotel room from where they had made come the spirits. A noise of sword, knife and machete that one sharpens with stones, which one rubs against other machetes. A noise of war, a noise of torn flesh with vintage. Thick feet with the large and short toes advanced in the forest. Evou and Carlson, squatted in their hiding-place, rose slowly. The feet, several pairs of feet, moved in front of and behind them, in their left and their right-hand side, formant of the oblique lines. Knees appeared. When they were enough close, the pair of feet nearest in front of them stirred up its toes slowly. The movement was calm but revealed an impatience which did not escape to the two men. The left leg started to tremble, gently more abruptly very strongly. Carlson outlined a movement of panic that Evou repressed by muzzling the mouth with its hand to him. Lastly, the top of the body of the man appeared, shaken spasms. It was short, of the thick muscles, the clear skin like the albinos that Carlson had already seen, the very red eyes. The hair of the man seemed yellow and maroon. Its chest started to make sudden starts.
Its finger also started to tremble and sudden it made a grimace by looking at Evou.
Evou shook the head as a sign of consent.
Other pairs of feet, which had finished not being complementary are reflected to follow them. Without a word, encircled, the two boys made in the same way. The paths had been covered with mud, their feet entered there to the ankles. In the distance of the tears of women were made hear but more they advanced more it seemed to them that these tears remained remote. It did not seem to be possible to know of it the source, they were all there simply, distant but present. Evou looked at the old man opposite him which followed the others become leaders of the file. This man walked very slowly and yet, of its eyes of initiate, Evou saw his muscles stirring up, mixing in an autonomous way. It vintage to see something moving above. Things stirred up on the skin of this man. They was of Mbiri old, strong belief of the bottom of the ages to relegate now in vulgar masks and ordinary objects of worship. One of the masks appeared red then seemed to be emptied and become grey-black. It opened large its mouth and seemed to howl, but no sound was made hear. Evou realized that Carlson saw it too. "This must-to be the potion of the priest, thought Evou." Evou finished its training in sorcery and was in five years to replace his/her father who aspired to taste with a simpler life. Carlson had been recommended to him by a friend of its sister. That one even as they had seen being made collapse and plow by its old future father-in-law. Carlson was impassioned by the history of the African beliefs. In third cycle with this friend, it had been tried by an experiment supra normal, to know some a little more about the beliefs of Fangs, these people which venerated Mvet, left zither guarantor of their memory at the disputed origins. But the poor boy seemed to lose the spirit by seeing strange people leaving the zither under his eyes.
The two men also approached the edge of water. On the other side of the bank, men and women, as left several centuries ago sauntered occupied to daily tasks. Evou felt its ears to tremble so much extremely which it had a headache.
These last words, while having a finger on its painful temple, it had pronounced them by realizing suddenly that Carlson, contrary to him was not there in spirit. It had fled the ceremony while passing by the door.
But the young man got clear.
Carlson stopped its walk and seemed divided between the desire to listen to Evou and thirst to finally water stories of the cradle of the world only while crossing the river as long as it still had the capacity of it.
Evou noticed that a man, very thin with the almost yellowish skin looked at Carlson with signs of impatience. Carlson was going to turn the head in its direction but Evou seizing it by the arm prevented some. By the prominence of its belly and the musculature of its Evou thighs had known that it was a carrier of relics.
Carlson had a movement of impatience and moved towards water.
The young man turns a little the head, without looking at Evou, then it turns the eyes towards the thick grey smoke which encircles it.
It turns the head and undertakes to cross water. Evou tries a step ahead but thick smoke makes disappear Carlson. One sees there nothing any more.
Suddenly, the fog is dissipated, a luminous sun appears. Evou looks around him, it is in the forest. Without river, without boat and Carlson. A very small squirrel, of a black, draws its attention by hop on a branch.
Evou looks at the squirrel disappearing then follows the shown way. It knew that with each step, the obscure spirits and in to have died anger, in exchange of required glory, delighted already in vital energies of Carlson, charmed that with the passing of years they will feast with each new birth. It went one tired moment then posed its head against an immense tree.
Sat, back counters the tree, the chin known its chest, the naked young man calms down. The tree started to swell by four thorough. Then, gradually it seemed to aspire all gently Evou until it disappears all-with fact. Then, by two thorough the tree lost volume. A cry tore calms it forest. A black squirrel, was posed on one of the immense branches of the tree and started to devour its black nut. http://stores.lulu.com/nadege73
1 Cry or continues to cry.
2 You! Who are you? 3 Father, I am the child of Edou Bekal. Of the Nkodjein clan.
4 Ah! You are our child. You also you are Ntoumou. 5 We cry ours. People died, we have sorrow, wire. We have sorrow.
6 You will cry! Do you hear? You will cry your life!
7 Tree of the arrogance, I want to go home!
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